GraphDark Hint - Moonbow Visibility

  The visibility of a moonbow depends on the altitude of the moon which varies in a much more complex way. It also has to be dark enough so that the moonlight is not overwhelmed by twilight, and the moon needs to be near full to be bright enough anyway. Add to that the need for there to be rain in the right place and it is clear why natural moonbows are so rare.

The red areas are when a moonbow might be visible, the grey area is when the moon is too high. The sky is only likely to be dark enough when the background is deep blue on the timetable.

See below for details on how to reproduce this diagram.

If it isn't aready the case set up the timetable to show midnight across the middle.
Use Edit, Preferences, Timetable Display, Times and uncheck the Day Mode box.

Return to the graph and choose your site from the Where box.
From the What box select Moon then click on the M button, just to the right, to select an altitude mask.
Choose Rainbow from the list and click OK, the graph will be drawn immediately.

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  © Richard Fleet 2004

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