Various Moonrises

Clear skies over a long distance allowed the moon to be seen as it rose over the horizon. It was so dimmed and reddened by the atmosphere that a 4 second exposure was needed, which nicely brought out the twilit foreground.

Just three minutes later and a very distorted full moon was in view. By now a 1 second exposure was sufficient to record the moon, but at the expense of the foreground.

In deep twilight a very reddened full moon rises above distant cloud. Less than a degree above the horizon it is noticeably flattened by atmospheric refraction.

In this series over 6 minutes the moon is distorted by different layers of air. Compare the shape in frames two and five for example.

Even when the moon is a couple of degrees up there are still distortions. The rays from the top and bottom of the moon must be passing through layers with significant temperature differences.

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